Process for clients
Getting social security number?

1. To begin the process, the employee must have on hand the following documents: birth certificate, cupr, ife, passport, id or professional license.
2. Enter the page imss
3. Refer to the section assignment or request ** location ** social security number or the following link
4. The system prompts you to create a sheet for processing.
5. Immediately, once the folio is generated, you must enter the above data in a new screen: curp, ife, birth certificate and military id / professional certificate / passport appear.
6. Once you have entered this information, the system will direct you to the section to choose umf (family medical unit) the closest, according to the address specified. And with that the process is terminated.

How can i process my rfc?

1. Enter the page of the sat
2. Refer to the section, * rfc registration with curp * or * league * this step is necessary have the curp.
3. Enter the curp and the access code required by the system.
4. Once you have entered the system will send you to the registration page where your general information required for processing such as full name, date of birth, nationality, sex, etc. Appear. These data are shown in full automatic. No need to enter them again.
5. On the next screen information relating to your home, for example appear: street, no, cologne, cp, location, etc. It is necessary to enter them to finish the registration.
6. Once you have entered this information, the registration is complete rfc.

How can i process my infonaviit withholding notice?

1. Contact infonavit portal
2. Locate the option * ** infonavit my account
3. Go to the tab * * want an account. If you are not registered to perform the following process.
4. Enter the following data: nss (11 digits), curp (18 digits), rfc (13 digits, with homoclave).
5. Subsequently, verify the correct data. The system will ask you to submit some information to contact such as phone, e-mail, password and secret question.
6. After entering this information, your account will be activated successfully. The system will send an activation code to the email provided. You will have to submit to finish activating your account.
7. Once the account is created, you must go to the tab withholding notice infonavit, and download the pdf document is required to apply discounts via payroll.

How can i get my curp?

Enter the curpĀ“s page
2. Complete the following information: verification code, last name, mother's maiden name, name / s, sex, date of birth and federal entity.
3. The system will then search its curp in the database and issue the certificate of registration to curp.
4. It is necessary to print again this document confirming the procedure.